Our Fall Gathering of Lightworkers was October 19-26 and during that week about a dozen people dropped by or stayed the night with us. It was so much fun laughing, cooking, and sharing our home with like-minded others. I come alive when I am with my soul family!
I have had it on my heart since moving to Cheatham County to have a regular gathering in our chapel. That little white cottage called to me the first time I set foot on this land and the energy here is amazing.
During the circle/ceremony to connect with Orion (led by Emily during our Fall Gathering) we voiced our desire for having a place to share our hearts and find help/prayer for things that we face in our everyday lives. During that ceremony, I knew then that was finally time to start a women’s circle. We will begin with one per month. Here are the dates:
Upcoming Dates for Women’s Circle
November 11 — 1 PM
December 10 — 1 PM
I miss the fellowship that I enjoyed in my church-going years, but I do not want to be preached at or be force-fed a doctrine. So, I avoid organized religion and continue to find freedom to be who I am without all the rules and regulations. In our women’s circles no one will stand and lecture; everyone has equal opportunity to share. Thanks to the art classes we enjoyed during our Fall Gathering we now have a talking stick to make sure everyone is heard and honored. All women present are welcome to share a teaching she has recently found relevant.
We will start with coffee or tea at 1 PM in the kitchen at Sweethome Retreat Center. We will move to the Chapel at 1:15 to set up an altar or energy grid. You are welcome to bring a sacred object, stone, talisman, or other object that will absorb the energy we generate. This can help you stay connected with the healing energy as take your personal object back home with you.
To open the circle, we may call the directions, or we may open with drumming and light language, or we may sing a song, or perhaps share an invocation from some other tradition. Bring your drum, rattle, shaker, or other instrument (I have extras if you need to borrow one). Feel free to invite your female friends to come with you.
Since we will be flowing with Spirit we will not worry about time constraints. If our meeting circle ends and you want to stay longer and hang out you are welcome to do that. If you want to stay overnight, simply reserve a room in our AirBnB.
I look forward to having you here for these heart-to-heart meetings and developing lasting mature friendships.