Do You Have Ascension Symptoms?
Are you having ascension symptoms? Are you dealing with energies causing you anxiety or stress? It could be the planetary shift we are feeling allowing even more psychic awareness and empathic “symptoms”. How can you learn to shift these energies and create a personal field of balance? Things in our world are changing so fast and it can make us feel unsafe. We need comfort and understanding to move through the next gateway of enlightenment.
Ascension symptoms include (but are not limited to) anxiety or panic attacks, ringing in the ears, heart palpitations (for which medical tests show no diagnosis) body sensations, or a change of relationship or careers. You may be experiencing creativity or energy surges; you may be decluttering, detoxing, and simplifying your life because you realize that you just don’t need so much stuff. You are more interested in your spiritual evolution than you are in accumulating a lot of goods.
Other ascension symptoms manifest as depression and a loss of interest in things once held a lot of value to you, a desire for freedom, a change in dietary preferences, crazy dreams, insomnia, or a huge switch in personality. Some may be experiencing electric disturbances; you may have physical conditions caused by the rise of the Earth’s frequencies.
If you are experiencing physical and emotional ascension symptoms resulting from rapid spiritual transformation, you may need assistance integrating higher (dess density) cosmic frequencies. Yvonne Perry is available to meet with you in a sacred environment via telephone, Skype, WhatsApp, FB Messenger, or Zoom at a prearranged session time.
Light language will be used during these sessions.