In this ascension process, we are downloading a new operating system to replace the one that has kept humanity in slavery. Lightworkers are anchoring and holding a field of light for the Divine Feminine Sophia (Holy Spirit), a kind, gentle energy that is being downloaded to Earth and received by those who are ready to embrace change.
Whenever a computer is getting a system upgrade, there is a period of time in which both the old and the new programs are inaccessible. Like watching two worlds at once, we observe the blank screen that prevents us from clearly seeing either reality. We know something is happening—we hear the grinding of the mechanism. At least we hope something is happening. So, we wait, wishing there was something we could do to speed up the process.
My latest Windows update took several hours to download, and I was not able to get on my computer during that switch-a-roo. In fact, my device got stuck at 19% for over an hour before I decided to disobey the instructions on the black, and otherwise blank, screen: “Do not turn off your computer during this download.” I did a hard reboot, and then had to wait another hour for the computer to remove the files it had attempted to download and restore the old ones so I could get to the prompts that would allow me to restart the new OS download.
This is an analogy of what we as a species are going through as we let go of our old ways of doing things and embrace the new “normal”. There is something we can all do to support the transformation process. We are at home more in our personal sanctuaries. We have opportunity to recalibrate our lives to include more of a spirit-based way of managing our relationships, emotions, finances, time, food choices, etc.
I believe that everything that is happening right now is part of the story that is intended to bring a more loving, accepting, and Christ-like Utopian energy through which we can create an honest and fair economy, beneficial and inclusive way of caring for our bodies (healthcare), and a people-oriented system of leadership. This service to others concept requires each individual to maintain loving self-discipline and responsibility for his or her own actions. This could create world-wide peace. Since our thoughts create actions, we begin by diligently guarding our thoughts.
“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” ~ 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
The New Earth has connected to the crystalline core of her new operating system. Do not turn off your connection with her or Creator/Source during this shifting process. Stay prayerful. Reflect on all that is good, be grateful, walk barefoot on the Earth, sit in nature and connect with her.
The body is a sensory biological computer that contains the technology that the world is mimicking through devise-based technology. Engage with your body and feelings, commune lovingly with yourself, and connect with the Holy Spirit. We can make a difference in our own lives–we control our inner world.
Hope Gorman says
Hello Dear Yvonne,
So nice to see how great you are helping other’s upon the planet at this time. It is much needed. I myself had a bit of a melt down during this time on earth. It didn’t last long but after reading this article perhaps getting the next down load into me caused the melt down or melt away.
You are a gift upon the universe. Thank you for being on it!
Yvonne Perry says
All part of the process of melting away what does not support our authentic path. So glad this helped you be gentle with yourself! Much love and blessings, Hope!