When a person is abused or traumatized, part of their soul can fragment or go into hiding where it feels safer. Sometimes the soul fragment attaches to other souls or soul fragments. Fragmentation opens the lamenting soul to be influenced by other spirits that can attach to the auric field or body of the abused one. Sometimes a more evolved aspect of the soul or a member of the soul group or monad walks in to help the remaining soul to stay intact. These loving beings who act like placeholders or caretakers have been called soul braids or walk-ins. If a soul completely leaves and a more evolved soul walks in, it is referred to as a soul exchange. I have written about the different types of walk-ins in my book, Walk-ins Among Us.
Unfortunately, having a soul become fragmented also makes the transference of a lower-vibrating entity possible. These are known as possessions or entity attachments. In my work, I clear a lot of dis-incarnates from the body and field of my clients who have picked up earthbound spirits as a result of abuse or trauma.
The Arcturians, channeled by Sal Rachele on February 5, 2015, gave this information about soul fragments:
“These fragments are incomplete, meaning they do not have enough God essence to become fully conscious beings. They manifest as apparitions, poltergeists, ghosts, thought forms, discarnate entities and the like. They attach to the auras of other souls and contaminate the integrity of such other souls.”
The dense human form is being transformed into a light body by receiving and integrating multidimensional aspects of soul consciousness. This is what we call the “ascension.” Some soul aspects are from past incarnations, some are from other dimensions, and some are future versions of the soul. All are part of the One. The pieces of our souls that fragmented are being reassembled as we move away from separation mindset and move toward oneness with All That Is.
The shamanic part of my ministry is to clients who need help in retrieving fragmented soul parts, clearing them from attachments, and reuniting them in wholeness with the embodied soul. Almost everyone I know is experiencing soul reunions. But because of the clearing process that accompany these upgrades many people do not realize that they are going through soul ascension. It is very important for the returning soul parts to heal and feel safe (they left in the first place because they were overwhelmed and did not feel safe). Therefore, the coaching part of my ministry is to teach people how to work with these returning soul parts and help them become integrated.
Because they have been hiding, these fragmented aspects may appear as part of our lesser-loved shadow side. To think in terms of higher and lower, good and bad, is actually duality thinking. As members of the planetary ascension team, we are not here to discard duality but to embrace it, acknowledge it, and honor it as part of the Whole.
The ascension is about wholeness. In order to create cohesion among soul aspects, all soul components are being collected, healed, and integrated to form a unified expression of the soul. This does not mean they will be uniform, undifferentiated, or have only one personality or style. The beautiful diversity, skills, talents, and gifts that each of these aspects has to offer will be retained in a harmonious symphony as they come together in oneness to manifest of love and goodness, within and without.
I have written about soul fragmentation and soul integration in several of my books.
Read more about soul fragmentation . . .
As a shaman, Yvonne Perry travels between worlds to restore parts of the soul, which may have fragmented during trauma. She is helping to activate people into living an authentic life of wholeness and oneness. Those who are ascending into purer consciousness will find comfort, information, and support to take the next step on this beautiful journey of light.