Here is another prayer from Patricia Diane Cota-Robles that I feel is applicable right now
We invoke The Goddess of LIBERTY; the Goddess of JUSTICE; the Goddess of FREEDOM; the Goddess of VICTORY; and the silent watcher of Washington, DC, Beloved Columbia
In the Name of the Almighty Presence of God I AM and through the immortal victorious threefold flame pulsating in every heart…
I invoke the Goddess of Liberty; the Goddess of Justice; the Goddess of Freedom; the Goddess of Victory; the silent watcher over Washington, DC, Beloved Columbia, and all of the mighty guardians, galactic and cosmic beings who dwell in the etheric complex over Washington, DC.
Blessed Ones, come forth now, and assist me with the most powerful cleansing activity Humanity and the Earth are capable of receiving during this cosmic moment. As one unified heart with all humanity, I now invoke the 5th-dimensional frequencies of the violet transmuting flame of forgiveness, forgetfulness and infinite transmutation.
Blaze, blaze, blaze this sacred violet fire in, through and around all inharmonious actions, all lower human consciousness and all obstructions of the light, that i or any part of life have ever placed in the pathway of life’s perfection. Through the divine power of forgiveness and forgetfulness, transmute this discordant energy cause, core, effect, record and memory NOW and FOREVER.
**BLAZE and SUSTAIN the Violet Flame with the power and might of a thousand suns, and the cosmic blue lightning of God’s divine will, power, faith and authority from the very core of creation in, through and around:
* The President of the United States of America and his cabinet—today and forever.
* The Senate and the House of Representatives for the United States of America —today and forever.
* The Supreme Court, ALL courts of law, and ALL legal procedures—today and forever.
* The United Nations and ALL of its members—today and forever.
* Through ALL world leaders and those associated with the governments of Earth at national, state and local levels—today and forever.
Through the supreme eternal mercy and compassion of the cosmic I AM—All That Is—I accept the divine fiat, that the golden essence of God’s illumination, wisdom, understanding and enlightenment shall now rule, guide and protect all humanity.
God’s Will for the United States of America SHALL MANIFEST, and America ’s Divine Plan will be fulfilled. Through her, the nations of the world will know the Will of God, and Divine Government will be the order of the new Cosmic Day on Earth. I so decree it and accept it done. Beloved I AM.
© 2008 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717