Empowering Hour with Empaths is a series of group coaching calls recorded with a live audience. These calls are hosted by Yvonne Perry, the author of Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You, and her co-host Veronica O’Grady.
Empaths asked questions about managing energy and living with an understanding of what it means to be a highly sensitive person.
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Yvonne and Veronica opened their empath toolkits and shared some new ways to maintain your personal vibration and send out frequencies from your blissful essence. When you radiate your soul’s loving tone, you can change the world around you, instead of being so adversely affected by the energy you are here to transmute. There are two transmissions of light language and toning with visualization/guided meditation to help you bring your energy into your body, align it with the vibration of love, and work with your own energy in a beneficial manner.
Recorded January 13, 2015
While attending family events and other social gatherings during the holidays, empaths need tools for thriving–not just surviving–the holidays. That’s what you will learn in the replay of our group coaching call. Some ways to re-script the Akashic records or life experiences that have had a detrimental effect upon us, our ancestors, and descendants. Learn about “scooping out” karmic energy and breaking ties with those in body and in the afterlife. We explored why some deceased family members do/can not contact us and why some people cannot sense or see or hear these loved ones. How does an empath deal with strong negative emotions that she knows are not her own? Re-tune or balance the energy field of a group or individual without violating the free will of another. How off-planet beings (our family of light) are helping us shift the consciousness of humanity. How to know whether or not to engage with these helpers some call ETs (extra-terrestrials).
Recorded December 9, 2014
Experiencing erotic feelings and emotional intimacy in relationships, and how energy-sensitive people are enjoying a deep soul connection with those who are a vibrational match. This bliss is the masculine and feminine making love to one another within the soul and can be experienced with multiple people as well as with a spouse/lover—even when alone! Ways to radiate love and share erotic energy with others while maintaining integrity in a committed relationship. Finding inner strength to set boundaries, heal past hurts, explore who you are, and decide what you want and need (or will not tolerate) in a relationship. See Kelly Marceau’s article, “What Sexy, Consciously Awake Women NEED & Don’t WANT from Men” and Ethan Vorly’s TantricSecrets. It’s when we are in love with ourselves that we can enter a relationship with another who is whole that the true magic (with or without sex) begins.
Recorded November 11, 2014
Is everyone ascending? We answered questions about why ascension is so hard. Some symptoms include GI and intestinal releases, muscle cramping, feeling revved up or euphoric one minute and exhausted or down the next. Why are so people leaving the planet? Is it possible to be operating in multiple realities at once and not be fragmented? Changing an established relationship in which one person dominates the other. Taking appropriate action when feeling the emotions of a person who wants to commit suicide. How to know when to consult a teacher and be open to another versus getting your answers from within. Working with issues that keep coming up over and over. Integrating parallel lives and multidimensional aspects.
Recorded October 14, 2014
Techniques for managing personal energy so you are not as affected by external energies. How to work with an energetic bubble to keep your vibration strong. How to draw your aura closer to your body. A demonstration of the reset breath to free emotional energy from the limbic system and move it to the front of the brain where it can be processed. Yvonne gave a light language blessing to clear the auric field. Living from the inside out as we do our shadow work. Integrating lesser-loved aspects as part of our authentic expression. Tune in to your body to learn what herbs or stones work to personally help you. Your weakest link is the place where we are most vulnerable to “backlash” that causes suffering when encountering detrimental energy.
Recorded September 9, 2014
We talked about phantom organs restructuring the body from the energetic template; galactic beings from Pleiades came in for Veronica the day of this call so there is a transmission from them. We also discussed signs that you are bringing more of the higher self into the body; crossing over souls into higher vibrational levels and octaves; what is a gatekeeper and how to know if you are one; why some earthbounds do not move on, and more!
Yvonne gave a blessing in light language from the bird tribe and fairies at the end of this call.
Recorded August 12, 2014
Changing grids underneath the earth’s surface, cosmic energy coming into the body, a crumbling matrix, solar flares, and everyone else’s energy. What’s an empath to do with all these earth changes? Learn to listen to your body’s messages and your internal guidance as you consciously work with energy. Veronica shared how to treat energy-related migraines, tap into the spirit of plants and animals, and connect with the energy of substances before you introduce them into your body.
Recorded July 8, 2014
When we take down the walls around our hearts or shift energy that no longer serves us, we will begin to feel lighter and more whole. However, before that happens, this leaving and unweaving may create a feeling of loss or grief. Rest assured that the heart space is filling up with light and soon, your bliss will come. Are you energetically picking up on the history of the land whenever you enter a property? Many empaths may not realize that they are clearing the souls trapped in the plane between the Earth and the afterlife. Learning to consciously participate in crossing souls over to the light will lessen the detrimental energy that you pick up. Yvonne shares her story about crossing souls over from the Civil War and those who committed suicide at a particular location.
Recorded June 10, 2014
Our vibration carries the passwords to unlock the bridges that our egos have built to protect us. We can cross those bridges and come into a new expression of our divinity. We encourage drumming and making heart-felt noise and light language to release these old patterns that have shut down our divine voice for lifetimes. Grace for ascension will release this old energy, shift patterns of discord, and open the gates for our beautiful higher selves to join with our soul’s higher expression. Learn to recognize the symptoms and signals in your body and emotions when you are transmuting energy for others.
Recorded May 13, 2014
How to stay clear while working with energy released in client sessions—use a transformation vortex that recycles energy and allows the practitioner to receive while giving. Discordant vibrations within us can cause us to pick up unwanted energy from others, creating burn out for many healers. Ways to love yourself, re-parent your inner child, and cherish your body as the vehicle of the soul’s expression on Earth. When we deeply love ourselves we are able to effectively minister to others without backlash. Backlash shows us where we need to clear or heal ourselves. Insight regarding the reason many teenagers walk on the dark side during adolescent years. Understand these stages and how the child is finding his/her voice and healing past life issues during this time. How to let go and allow another person to have their experience and learn our own lessons through the process.
Recorded April 8, 2014
Why are so many people pulling away from social engagements these days? Some are having empathic responses (such as shaking, anxiety, unexplained weeping) to the energy of an ascending world that seems to be going crazy. But, some “retreaters” are pulling away because they feel the need to withdraw and go inward to get more connected with Source and guidance. Some have had significant soul shifts and need to integrate this multidimensional energy before they go out into the world again. Learn about the roller coaster dark night of the soul (in repeated episodes) and what is going on when you can’t seem to keep your vibration steady.
Recorded March 11, 2014
We are learning to maintain calm within the chaos whenever we encounter someone who is out of resonance. Although it is good to use whatever tool you need whenever you need it, some of us are beginning to realize that staying in resonance is not about putting up shields; it is about choosing not to engage with external chaos and diligently maintaining peace in our personal field. As a result, we are moving from confusion and disharmony to emotional stability and resonance. We know how horrible it feels to be out of resonance. The “signals” are instantly recognized and we make an adjustment and realign. On this call, we talked about some simple ways to stay in resonance. Veronica O’Grady and Yvonne Perry gave a blessing in light language to further assist with the changes you are desiring to make.
Recorded February 13, 2014
Yvonne Perry and Veronica O’Grady discussed why empaths can sense the presence of the “deceased” and how to help clear the suffering, poverty, and detrimental energy that our ancestors took to the grave with them. By doing so, we heal them, ourselves, and our descendants. Empathy is a gift that many empaths call a curse simply because they have not cleared their own personal energy field enough to get clear guidance from higher sources. There is also a discussion on how the many aspects of the soul are coming together for integration and why empathic or energy-sensitive people are able to know when a new aspect is coming in. Learn how to work with the energy of your multidimensional selves.
Recorded January 9, 2014
Rx for Empaths During the Holidays. The intense energy of the holidays with all the festivities, chaos, and family and business gatherings can be difficult for anyone any time of year, but the holidays are especially taxing for empaths or those sensitive to outer energies. Learn new ways of handling and protecting your energy to feel more balanced through bustling holiday situations. Some of the tools and perspectives we offer can even help heal many of your past relationships as your energy become more whole and protected. Seasoned empaths and healers Yvonne Perry and Veronica O’Grady answered questions and presented tips about how to handle energy in ways that make you feel stronger, more whole, centered, and stabilized, throughout the entire holiday season.
Recorded December 12, 2013