This article was written by Amy Carroll, who will be teaching more about how to practice energy hygiene at a celestial shaman workshop in Middle Tennessee May 3-5, 2019.
As lightworkers, we open our energy to everyone. We are compassionate, caring souls that want to save the world. Even if we aren’t empaths, we tend to take on the emotions of others. After so long, we feel tired and depleted. It’s imperative that we protect our energy fields and clear them regularly. Here are five easy ways to do that.
Become a Time Management Expert
Make no mistake, time is energy. Where you spend your time is where you spend your energy, whether it’s a thought, activity, or person. Set boundaries with people both physically and energetically. First, let’s talk about setting energetic boundaries.
You’ve heard of financial managers, right? We carefully plan where, how, and who to spend our money on. You know money — that renewable resource that you can go out and make more of? Let me ask you, as your own personal financial manager, would you put your debit card and pin number on a public Facebook post? Probably not.
Yet, every day, we are giving away our time. Matter of fact, we’re spending a lot of time on that Facebook platform, not realizing we squander THE most important commodity we own! We can delegate tasks and free up our time, but the bottom line is, in the long run – there are no more sands getting added to our hourglass. We don’t even know how many grains of sand are IN the hourglass, yet we’re throwing that stuff at people like beads in a Mardi Gras parade! Stop it! NOW.
Start treating your time like you treat your money. Budget your week like you budget your household finances. First, you need to know where your time is going. Take a personal inventory of all the ways you’re currently spending your time – social media, texts, tv, work, hobbies etc. iPhones even have a screen time feature that will tell you. Ask yourself – is this person/activity/situation/thought something that brings me joy or moves me forward in life? If the answer is no, then don’t waste your time on it. Consciously decide to spend your time doing something that DOES renew your energy and move you forward. Pencil those people and activities in first. THEN decide IF you want to leave the rest of your time unspent or use it on something or someone else.
Now, let’s discuss physical boundaries. My husband is the Achilles’s heel in my business. He understands the nature of my work and that it requires quiet, peace, and non-interruption. He will often have the radio on, TV blaring, and talk on the phone all at the same time. He is demanding of my time and attention. I work from home and he was preventing me from doing my work. I had to set physical boundaries. So, I rented a space outside my home to do my spiritual work. I now drive 45 minutes away and turn off my cell phone, so he is forced to call our assistant for help. This allows me to do my work without his interruptions. When I’m home, I can be focused on him and my daughter rather than playing catch up on work that I didn’t get done because I was handling his crisis. It’s a win-win. Yes, it cost me money to set this physical boundary, but I am making more money because now I have a peaceful place to do my work. Do not be afraid to claim your physical space when others keep disrespecting it.
Bubble in Public
This was a life-changer for me personally. One word, people: Wal-Mart. You walk in and within 10 minutes you feel like you are in fight or flight mode. That’s because spiritually, you are. I’m going to let you in on a little secret most mediums know: Wal-mart is a beacon for spirits. I don’t know if they build those things on Indian burial grounds or if spirits come because they know, without fail, their loved ones are coming shopping every week. I do not know WHY this phenomenon occurs, but it wreaks havoc on the empathic soul. Add in the emotional distress of the living shoppers and you got yourself a recipe for a meltdown.
So how do you counter this? You bubble. Before you leave your house or get out of your car, activate your God/Christ shield. This calls in the energy and power of God the Creator and Jesus Christ. It creates a gold and white light energy bubble around you. The vibrational quality and strength is of the highest level. Activate the shield by touching your heart and saying, “I call upon the fabric of God to surround, energize and protect me. I call upon the fabric of Jesus Christ to surround, energize and protect me. I touch this point of light in my heart to activate and seal it.” This works whether or not you are a Christian because it’s calling on the Christ consciousness rather than the Biblical version of Christ.
You can add one or two layers. You may need to re-activate it periodically. Just check in with your energy field and see if there’s any leaks or holes. If you sense something’s not quite right, re-activate the shield. You can also shield others – but always ask permission first.
Take Grounding Baths Regularly
After a healing session and at least once a week, I take a grounding bath. There’s a few different recipes out there, but the one I like best is:
- 1 cup of Epsom salt
- 1/2 cup of baking soda
- 1/4 of sea salt
You can add essential oils if you like. Soak in the tub for at least 30 minutes. An hour is optimal. As you’re soaking, imagine all the emotional, mental and physical things not in your highest good leaving your body and being transmuted into white light by the water. When you drain the tub, imagine all the “gunk” draining away with the water.
Maintain a High Vibration
In my mediumship classes, I teach the best form of protection is to not need protection. My guides told me when you vibrate at a specific level, you are like a dog whistle to negative entities, people and energies. It is literally painful for them to be in your presence. I experienced this first hand as I went through my shaman training. The more negative stuff I released and the higher my vibration became, people and things that were not good for me just left. I started attracting people and situations that WERE conducive to my growth. When I was operating at a lower vibration level, I was essentially repelling the higher vibration things I wanted to attract into my life.
Specifically if you are a medium, another benefit to raising your vibration is you are protected 24/7. I am at the point now that I can not clear some spirits because the minute I show up, they leave. I leave, they come back. It’s happened with liquid entities in my shaman work as well. The entity will hide in the patient’s body until I leave. I’ve had to call in another shaman to perform the work. Honestly, it surprised even me. It has taught me the power of just living a life of primarily joy and not getting sucked back down into those “false egos” – fear, shame, depression – any emotion not at the level of contentment and above.
Maintaining a high vibration is exactly what I said – living a life that brings you happiness and joy. If you follow my advice on time/energy planning, this will take care of itself naturally because you’ll be spending more time on people and activities you enjoy vs ones that are sucking you dry.
Another way you can raise your vibration is gratitude. Start every day thankful for at least one thing. Gratitude is a high frequency emotion.
Taking care of your physical body raises your vibration. The foods you eat can affect your vibration. Strive to drink “living” water – spring water vs filtered municipal water. In addition to the ethical reasons, many vegetarians eat that way due to the vibrational attributes of the plant. Unlike animals, a harvested plant doesn’t experience trauma and that trauma isn’t passed on to you. Personally, I Reiki my food to raise it’s vibration to what is optimal for my body.
Taking care of your mental and spiritual body raises your vibration. Meditation or communing with your Spirit does this. There are many different meditation methods. Don’t think you have to do it the way everyone else says you do. The no-mind technique does absolutely nothing for me and I hated it so I avoided meditating. I didn’t learn until later that this method was developed by corporations to help their stressed-out corporate executives. It taught them to focus on nothing rather than the fact they hated their job. Guess that’s great for the corporation striving to retain employees. Not so great for the employee’s quality of life.
The meditation style that works for me is the one that engages rather than disengages the mind. It requires focusing on a seed of thought. You pick a topic, think about it and then you just allow that thought to flow. Where does it take you? Just naturally let it flow. No stress to maintain an empty mind. No analyzing the thought, just observing where it goes.
ANY activity that engages and focuses your mind can be meditation. I play World of Warcraft sometimes. I can sit there for hours focused on doing those quests. I don’t worry. I don’t stress. It brings me joy. That’s meditation. Do what works for you.
Go Outside
Nothing transmutes negative energy and renews your spirit like spending time in nature. Take your shoes off and let your soles touch Mother Earth’s soul. She is the ultimate energy trans-muter. Just allow all the heaviness from the day to flow into the earth and imagine it being transformed into love and light. Sit by a creek, river or ocean and listen to the song it sings you. Look up at the stars in the night sky and feel the moon feeding your aura. Take a walk in the woods and listen to the trees. They have a story they’re dying to tell you, if you’d just listen.
If you’re a mountain person, plan to spend at least one week twice a year in the mountains. Same thing if you’re a beach person. There’s a reason you’re called to these places of power. They are your PERSONAL places of empowerment. Go there!
The Bottom Line
We are sent here to be of service to others but we can’t fulfill our purpose if we allow ourselves to be energy vacuums. No one can manage our energy for us. It is up to us to take the initiative and reclaim our most valuable asset. Manage your time like you manage your money. Be conscious to protect your energy in public. Ground yourself with a bath weekly. Keep your vibration high and spend time communing with Mother Nature. These five simple steps will help you be a happier person and more effective lightworker.
If you feel like you need a deeper approach, a shamanic healing may be in order. You can find Amy’s services online at . Join the celestial shaman workshop at Sweethome Retreat Center. Register below.