Ah, the bliss of being one with nature! To feel connected with your beloved guides in higher realms of consciousness. To know that the awesome source of all life dwells within you. To see the face of God/Goddess in nature or others.
Higher realms are accessed by those who have a pure heart–one that is (at least for the moment) free of judgment and negativity, and not focused on expectations or “to do” lists. To pull away for a moment of reflection to merge with something so wonderful, it is breathtaking. This is worship! This is living in the “now” presence of beauty and perfection.
Metaphysical praise and worship leader Yvonne Perry offers a new way of allowing the awe and wonder of creation and Source to flood your being and raise your vibration. With piano, vocals, light language, and synthesized sounds, the frequencies of love encourage you to find your own way of praising and connecting with Source.
I praise the breath of God
I praise the life of God
I praise the power of God
That lives in me
I praise the light of God
I praise the love of God
I praise the presence of God
Within me
Infinite and wise
Healer divine
Abundance is mine
The “I AM” presence never fails!
I praise the beauty of God
I praise the joy of God
I praise the of peace of God
That blesses me
I praise the mind of God
I praise the heart of God
I praise the essence of God
That sustains me
Infinite and wise
Healer divine
Abundance is mine
The “I AM” presence never fails!
© copyright 2012 Yvonne Perry