Working with the transforming energy of Kali in combination with Shay-li (a Lemurian word meaning gentleness) brings a powerful activation with tender compassion.
Kali is the Hindu goddess associated with empowerment and transformation. She is the warrior aspect of the goddess Durga. Kali is called the goddess of time, change, power, creation, preservation, and destruction. Her earliest appearance is that of a destroyer of evil forces.
In the art piece created by Yvonne Perry, Durga shows herself as having no arms. Her only weapon is love. Working with the shadow side (unaccepted parts of our psyche) or lower realms, Yvonne’s work with Kali Shay-li delivers a transmission in light language. Designed to loving support and bring clarity to those who are undergoing intense shadow work or having a dark night of the soul.
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