Have you suddenly had a wave of anger or depression or anxiety come upon you? There you are, minding your own business, when “bam!” you feel like you are about to cry or slap somebody.
When you have a sudden and unexplained mood shift, you have likely encountered discordant energy of the collective human field. Or perhaps something in your soul history is coming up for review and re-calibration.
When warm air and cool air bump into one another in the stratosphere, it can create thunder and lightning. When you encounter energy that is out of alignment with your personal frequency (higher self/soul essence), you feel it in your body and/or emotions. Sometimes random and hateful thoughts pop into your mind and you question whether this is your energy or not. I’ve learned that all energy is mine once I interface with it.
At that moment you have a decision to make:
- Lower your vibration to match the distortion? (Oh, no! There’s something “wrong” with me! I must fix this!)
- Hold your vibration steady by taking a deep breath and acknowledging that you have the ability to manage energy.
These sudden mood swings can also be an indication that something in your psyche is coming up for better alignment. The protocol is the same–acceptance, self-love, and non-resistance. Realize that this is nothing more than energy passing through you as a conduit. Hold your frequency steady. Allow and be. The good thing about sudden mood shifts is that they can shift suddenly for the better.
Transducers and Transmuters
Empaths are energy transducers and transmuters.
The mission of a transducer is to step down “high-voltage” energy (for lack of a better description) so others can receive it without being knocked off kilter. Transducers have the ability to consistently maintain connection with higher realms of consciousness. As such, they can receive cosmic frequencies with intrinsic coded information and convert them to a frequency band that others can handle. All bodies are evolving to a level that can handle these coded frequencies without having it blow their electrical circuitry. These codes are sent to help the body shift its molecular structure from density to crystalline, and to open the DNA so the divine human can emerge. Delivering these codes is part of what occurs during my light language treatment sessions.
The mission of a transmuter is to raise the frequency of any energy they encounter that is vibrating out of alignment with their natural state of higher consciousness. It is important to know what your true vibration feels like and to be able to maintain that frequency when you are transmuting. This can happen anytime, even when you are not around people. We are all connected.
Sudden mood swings can be an indication that you are transmuting energy for yourself or the collective. How a person manages energy makes the difference between being dragged down/feeling drained and being unaffected or actually energized by the effort.
Becoming sovereign in your thoughts (acknowledge them, but don’t invite the yucky ones to stay for dinner) can change everything you experience in your emotions. If you think that you are going to be taken down by an entity attack, a psychic vampire, or someone else’s bad vibes, you may likely have that experience.
Acknowledging, without forcing a change in, whatever is going on in the moment is like standing still in a storm and letting the wind and rain blow through you. And if you do get knocked down you sit/lay still on the ground and reconnect with your higher knowing and continue to let the storm blow through you. No struggling or trying to control the storm. Don’t get enmeshed with your thoughts. Just be still and know. You are the storm. Become one with it and your powerful vibration.
There is no battle to be fought. Know and accept the highest version of who you are. Everything is energy through which we are all connected.
If you need assistance with consciously managing energy, please let me help you with a coaching session or light language treatment. We can start with a free 15-minute consultation.