You have likely read many posts in which I talk about light language. You may not think it has relevance to your life, but did you know that the language of light contains universal frequencies, colors, symbols, and codes for integrating the multidimensional soul? It is sacred geometry that allows us to communicate directly with Source, our guides, and higher self without the interference of the analytical human mind. It ministers to the heart and soul at a deep level that can be tangibly felt.
In my all-day workshop on March 11, 2017 I will demonstrate many ways this tool can be used to bless your life and enhance your mission. Enjoy being in nature and fellowship with others who are activating their light language. Learn how to use the language of light to commune with creation and connect with Source energy.
Saturday, March 11, 2017
9 AM to 9 PM
Sweet Home Retreat Center
Ashland City, Tennessee
(The exact address will be given upon registration)
The following is included in the workshop price:
- Breakfast 9 AM at Sweet Home
- Light Language Workshop Part 1
- Lunch
- Light Language Workshop Part 2
- Fellowship & Free Time to Connect with Nature
- Dinner
- Community Drumming Circle 7 to 9 PM
The frequencies of light language go directly to the spirit as it activates codes to assist with healing and restoration on all levels. Because it uses sound, light, and other healing frequencies, light language is able to work on quantum levels of the soul, psyche, DNA, body, cellular memory, and more. As a shamanic tool for innerdimensional journeying, these codes are compatible with any healing modality you may already be using. Consider it the power booster for your client and personal practice.
Light language transmissions can re-code the DNA for alignment with higher dimensional consciousness and assist us with anchoring in the New Earth energies to support our ascension process. As we become activated by higher universal frequencies we are reminded that we are not alone and that we are deeply loved and connected to everything in life. Light language affects everyone differently and ministers to each person’s unique individual needs. Here are some benefits of light language.
Some Benefits of Light Language
- Shifts the mind into higher consciousness
- Brings comfort and peace to the emotions
- Restores energy and enhances well being
- Helps integrate multidimensional souls aspects
- Connects us with our higher guidance and authentic soul essence
- Opens blocked chakras
- Clears cellular memory in the body
- Recalibrates brain waves
- Awakens soul memory
- Realigns distorted neural patterns to help dissolve limiting patterns in the psyche
- Assists in building the light body structure
Light language is a divine or angelic language that can be spoken, sang, written, danced, and expressed in many creative ways. The frequencies they carry are powerful energy transmissions that assists people in activating their innate intelligence for healing and transformation.
Connecting to Nature through Light Language
Not all light language resembles a spoken language. Some sounds or frequencies are from other species not found on earth. Sometimes these transmissions come through as tones, pulses, tongue clicks, whistles, high pitches, or deep groans. Some are the languages of nature spirits, fairies, animals, whales, dolphins, angelic, elementals, animals, nature spirits, and Mother Earth. In my all-day workshop we will explore these sounds and connect with these realms in the healing woods at Sweet Home.
Light language is channeled but it is also within us, awaiting our awareness and expression. I invite you to join me on March 11 and to remember your infinite, authentic, unique, multidimensional self. All we have to do is surrender and be open to the flow of light as the codes move through us. from there, we can embody and live from of our soul’s wisdom and higher guidance.
Please bring a drum, rattle, or other musical instrument. Wear comfortable clothes that will allow you to move freely indoors and be protected from the weather.
Lunch and dinner will be provided, but you are also welcome to bring food to share.
Overnight on-site lodging can be arranged for those who are traveling from out of town for this event. Let me know if you will need accommodations.