We are living in one of the most exciting times in the history of the is planet where Gaia and humanity is raising its consciousness at an accelerated rate. According to recent studies, Gaia our plant, vibration is up from the normal 7.8 MHz. She has been vibrating as high as 60 MHz and is vacillating back and forth between the two. This new frequency is a sign that we, along with Gaia, are being bombarded with high frequency energy.
Conscious Awakening Series, hosted by SpiritWay, proudly presents cutting edge speakers, workshops, and events to help us navigate and integrate the changes this energy is bringing to us personally. It’s also a great opportunity to find your tribe, reacquaint with old friends, make new ones, ground in nature, and expand under the stars.
The Conscious Awakening Speakers Series will help support the changing times and awakening process on an individual and group basis. Offering the best and brightest speakers to help you consciously awaken and expand.
Join Yvonne Perry and other activating speakers in Leadville, Colorado June 26, 27, 28 2020. This three-day, outdoor event is designed to expand your consciousness through learning about conscious awakening, crop circles, hybrid/humans, galactic family, walk-ins, light language, messages from the ascended masters, mediumship, past lives, sacred geometry and more.
Hear the messages of those who are living and experiencing fantastic journeys as light beings in human bodies. To learn more about the event, visit ConsciousAwakeningSeries.com or call 970-763-5689.