Have you ever been with several people who were speaking all at once and you didn’t understand any of them? That might be confusing if you were trying to hear and participate in each conversation.
But, what if everyone was speaking from their heart to a higher power and no one was expected to make logical sense of it? That’s how it is with light language–we become like children before they are programmed to act in ways that steal their joy and freedom of expression.
I have been in light language workshops and prayer gatherings in which the group combined their energy by toning, drumming, singing, and speaking in unknown languages. The feeling is an amazing experience, but if we were to try to intelligently understand what was being expressed, we would likely be frustrated. And, any outsider looking at the situation would probably question our sanity.
Being able to let go of the need to have a coherent understanding of light language frees us to experience innocence, playfulness, and joy. I have witnessed our group laughing hysterically (without external provocation) when the Holy Spirit came upon us during our intercessory prayer gatherings.
“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3
As creative Source energy, God is everywhere–nature, universe, within us and all things. We are multidimensional souls, having existence in many realms simultaneously. Therefore, as light language speakers we work as a team when we come together to share or intercede.
Each of us accesses different frequencies, portals, and realms, which the Bible refers to as many “mansions.” When we gather, some of us are doing shamanic work, some are clearing or transmuting energy, some are retrieving souls or soul aspects, some are assisting with integration, some bringing awareness and light. We are all downloading quantum codes that are helping humanity ascend in consciousness.
“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2
Our guides are working with us on levels that we cannot see or hear. Some of our light language is our guides speaking through us in languages that are not understood my human ears. This chorus of frequencies are having a positive effect even if they sound discordant to our human ears. They are creating energy patterns that realign the human programming to that of our divine nature.
Are you interested in learning more about light language or participating in a light language gathering? I’m offering an online class February 11 at 7 p.m. Central USA Time. I would love to have you join us! Get the details for all Yvonne Perry’s upcoming events at https://weare1inspirit.com/events#online.