Being in the energy of others who are expressing genuine love can do wonders for expanding light language frequencies.
Conscious-con 2015 was amazing to say the least! Plans are to have this become an annual event and I am looking forward to participating again and again.
I witnessed and experienced a great amount of love in those few days with people I just met–they are my soul family. I was highly activated as I allowed Spirit to flow through me to bless others.
My neck and throat cramped the entire time I was in Ohio and for the first day after returning. I know this is related to communication and self-expression. I feel that I am about to begin travelling to share the healing message and activation of light language. In fact, I have four tentative engagements to include Colorado, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Florida. Let me know if you are interested in meeting with me while I am near you. Change can bring up unresolved fear and I had a chance to raise the frequency of that energy.
I didn’t realize just how much I was in a higher dimension until the drive home when downloads kept pouring in. I had to pull over to release codes for the church. My light language expanded to include many new high-pitched sounds that I was not able to make before. Veronica O’Grady accompanied me on this trip and she mentioned that these tones were related to the whales and dolphins.
Since that weekend in Ohio, the energy coming through my light language and in client sessions has amped up as well. Even more shifts are occurring for my clients. I would love to help you with an activation or blessing.
My next light language playshop is June 13, 2015. Please consider joining me for personal ministry and activation of your soul’s higher frequencies.