Light language is a one-size fits all therapy, and it comes in your favorite color!
Recently, the language of light has been coming through many people in an individual manner to help them awaken to their multidimensional aspects. Anyone who is attempting to align with higher consciousness can channel the energy of their divine (ego-less) self. It’s a matter of awakening to this aspect, which is like remembering something or someone you didn’t know you had forgotten. It is you speaking from another dimension or perhaps a future lifetime. There really is no time as we know it. This is a concept of the mind.
A message given directly to one person in a group can apply to everyone present. Each person will receive depending upon what is needed, how ready the person is ready to receive, and what is coming through in the transmission.
Light language doesn’t mess with the cognitive process. It allows whatever wants to emerge to organically come forth in a subtle manner. How do you know it is having an effect? One, you can feel your body or emotions responding to it. Look for differences a week or so after a transmission of these frequencies. Also, pay attention to shifts within your thinking or emotions. Notice what information shows up within the next 24 hours. What aspects of yourself feels enhanced or expanded? What has come to the forefront? What “ah-ha” moments or synchronicity has occurred?
If you would like to experience a light language activation, please see the Services tab on this website. You might want to begin with a mini-activation for only $35.
There is also the option of participating in an online or in-person event to activate your light language.