Is Light Language the Same Thing As Speaking in Tongues?
This language of the soul is also known as light language, galactic language, star language, cosmic language, or angel language, as well as praying, speaking, or uttering in unknown tongues. This latter term, however, has a stigma attached to it due to religions that have demonstrated the practice in a forceful manner and not based in love.
If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:1
The ability to communicate with Source and not have interference from the logical mind can be very helpful. However, many people in Western society have had an unpleasant encounter with the phenomena known as speaking in tongues. As a result, they have a bad taste (pun intended) in their mouths because of it.
Therefore, a public setting might not be the best place to demonstrate this ability unless those in attendance have some basic knowledge about what light language is. The Bible suggests that there be an interpreter present in order for glossolalia (the vocalizing of speech-like syllables that lack any readily comprehended meaning) to be helpful to a group of people. I don’t think an interpretation is necessary or even useful at times. Light language is meant to override the conditioning and programming of the logical mind and allow one to commune directly with Source. However, if you are in a lecture-type meeting and someone erupts into ecstatic babbling without warning, it could rattle a few cages. Some may wonder if the outburst will be followed by someone pulling a snake out of a bag. This actually happened in a church service my ex-husband attended as a child.
Regardless of this gift’s tainted modern-day history, I thank my Pentecostal and Charismatic Christian brothers and sisters for bringing this tool, this resource, to my attention.
After my near-death experience in 1976, I became curious about the gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in I Corinthians 12 and had been praying to receive all nine gifts. By the early 1990s, I had evidenced all of the gifts except for the ability to speak in tongues. And, I wasn’t sure if I had the ability to interpret them since I had not heard people speak in an unknown tongue, even though I was attending a Pentecostal Church of God whose denominational headquarters are in Cleveland, Tennessee.
One day in 1994, Kathy, my prayer partner, came over for our regular prayer time. She was excited that she had received the gift of praying in tongues. Inwardly, I felt jealous, but I was too shy to try her suggestion to receive the gift by simply starting to make vowel sounds and allowing the language to bubble up. It could not be that easy. Could it? I’ve learned since then that I am actually an activator of this gift. Clients open to the gift when they are in a healing session with me. Two people activated the language of light while we were having a text conversation about light language on Facebook. Several have burst forth in new dialects while reading my book on light language. The title of that book is Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Ascension Codes & Integrating Body, Soul, & Spirit. This is a link to the audio book, which has some lovely examples of light language between the chapters read by yours truly.
After Kathy left, curiosity got the best of me. I went to my bedroom and closed the door so my kids couldn’t hear me. Very timidly, I began to intone and move my lips asking that the Holy Spirit, whom I now recognize as the Divine Mother, to help me “stir up” this ability and bring it forth as a prayer tool. After a minute or so, I spoke a few syllables that sounded like “porta-reek-may-co-con-tay-go.”
Hmmm . . . Was I going to be a missionary in Puerto Rico? At the time, I had no concept that conscious life forms existed anywhere except on our planet; therefore, I just knew I had spoken an Earth language that could be verified by someone who spoke it. I phonetically wrote down the phrase and for years shared it with bilingual people I came in contact with. No one could give me an interpretation. While writing this article I asked my guidance what the phrase means and heard “You have asked and received.” Cool!
Throughout the rest of the day I kept repeating the mystery phrase. Other utterances came as well, but nothing as clear as the first phrase so I didn’t write anything down or try to remember what I had spoken. The next day I wondered if I had imagined the whole thing and if the ability would still be there. It was! And, I spoke it throughout that day, and the next, and the next, and for years thereafter. Seems so simple that anyone could do it. Maybe by the time you finish reading this book, you would consider giving it a try—or another try if you have already done this in the past.
Ephesians 5:19: “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”
That was more than 20 years ago and I am still using this amazing gift to raise my mood and seek higher wisdom on a daily basis–even in a public setting. If it is done in a loving and gentle manner and without an egoic expression of trying to force something on the recipient, people will not be freaked out by it. I have found that they are very open to having an energy boost from Spirit.
I hope you are encouraged to use your light language. Please contact me if you would like to do a session to activate new dialects.
This article was excerpted from Yvonne Perry’s book, Light Language Emerging, which is available in these formats:
Why not arrange a light language healing session with Yvonne Perry?