To say “Bless you!” seems appropriate. We are hoping that the sneezing person is not taking a cold. Perhaps inwardly we are crossing our fingers and hoping that we don’t catch whatever illness they have.
But honestly, why would we think that someone is getting sick because their body had a natural response to an irritant? Sneezing clears the throat and nasal passages. It does not mean a person is manifesting a contagious illness.
Let’s talk about germs and illnesses from a metaphysical perspective.
Some people seem to get sick by nothing more than thinking about being around someone with symptoms. Other people work in an environment where they come into contact with sick people all day and rarely get sick themselves. What is the difference? Is their immune system stronger? Likely so, but what affects our immune system more than our thoughts? The science of epigenetics confirms that our DNA is affected by our thoughts, beliefs, and lifestyles. Learn more about how thoughts and emotions can alter genes.
Buying into the idea that we will get sick by being around someone else who is sick is a fearful belief based in superstition. We know that superstitions have an effect upon us. They are collective thought forms that have been given power when mass numbers of people have agreed that they are true. We give away our power by participating in collective beliefs that disempower us. What if mass numbers of people began to believe that sickness and suffering does not have to be part of the human’s Earth experience?
Being awakened means becoming attentive to our thoughts, emotions, and actions no matter how innocent they seem.
All creation comes from what we think, say, and do. A manifestation on the 3-D plane shows us what is coming into form after being created in the mental field or emotional body. Illness is no different. If you are sick, it is because your body is responding to something that is being created in the etheric planes. It could be a response to an influx of energy that your body cannot yet handle and is adjusting to. It could be a superstitious belief hidden in your subconscious, or it could be a conscious belief that has been passed down from generation to generation. Our words carry energy and power. What we say and believe affects us on every level.
Kundalini downloads bring in new ideas and information—new beliefs—intended to make a change as we are learning to operate our lives from 5-D and higher. These downloads and activations uproot anything that is out of alignment with the higher truths. That means the old beliefs have to be “unbelieved” or abandoned. So, we manifest an illness to give us an opportunity to see where our words, beliefs, and desires are not matching up. Then, we can consciously do something about it—such as thanking our body for being so wise and efficient in its self-healing ability.
An emotional healing or shift in consciousness that is being orchestrated by your higher guidance in unseen realms can affect your physical body. Without realizing what is going on behind the scenes, you naturally think you are sick when you start having symptoms. Then, you affirm that you are sick by speaking things like, “I have a terrible cold. I hope you don’t get sick by being around me.” This not only gives your body the signal to stay sick longer, it plants the suggestion in the other person’s mind that they are expected to get sick as a result of being around you.
If you are manifesting an illness, accept that your body needs time to get well. Do what you need to accommodate the healing that is taking place on multiple levels. There is no need for judgment on your condition. Rest and take care of yourself. Ask your body and your guidance what is being “worked on” in the etheric body that is affecting your physical vehicle. You might be surprised by the information you get!
I believe it is time for us to see illness from a different perspective. Let’s start by re-scripting our language from fear-based thinking to affirming health and wellness. Instead of affirming an illness when you have symptoms, you could say something such as “Thank you for supporting me in dis-covering my health potential by helping me recognize the healing power of my body. I know that my true self is being revealed in this situation.”
We are creating a better world to live in. Being well in body is one of the things I would like to create in the new paradigm that is beginning to manifest. Will you please join me in affirming perfect health for yourself and all people (animals, too!)? At first, it may seem like you are making untrue statements when you say, “I am in perfect health. The world is a safe place to live.” But by hearing a new truth often enough, your subconscious will shift and accept it as truth. You may soon find that you are ready to begin affirming, “I am immortal!”
Yvonne Perry offers energy treatment for helping shift dis-empowering beliefs by connecting you to higher realms and the template for the divine human. Learn more or schedule a session and feel the difference!