Times are a-changing. We are all feeling the shifts in energy and seeing the dark side of society rearing its ugly head. Our personal shadow side is coming up for healing and is begging our attention so we can move forward into living in a higher level of consciousness.
We are creating the New Earth. This means we can no longer entertain the illusion and dysfunction of our old ways of relating to one another and the planet.
Never in my life have I experienced the contrast between my ego and my lower self more sharply than I have in the past few months. One minute I’m feeling great. The next I feel a wave of anger or sadness move through my field. This gives us opportunity to dissect our demons and find out what they have been using to fuel their existence: beliefs, habits, emotional despair, fear, etc. When facing our inner demons/ego, we learn to love ourselves more, not less as Matt Kahn teaches.
With this contrast of polarities, I’m also having more spiritual experiences–especially while I’m driving. I was leaving my son’s house the other day and suddenly realized that I was on a dead-end road and did not know where I was. I had been out of body; I do not know how long I was gone. It could not have been very long because it could only have taken a few minutes to drive to the dead-end road. Even though this was the opposite end of the road where my son and his family live, I did not recognize my surroundings. Good thing about dead ends: there is only one way to go. Back the way I came. I was shocked that I had missed the turn that I had taken so many times before. Prior to getting “lost,” I had my friend Lori on my mind. It was not more than one minute after I popped back into this reality that Lori texted me. I had been with her in another dimension. But I was also driving a car. Bi-locating perhaps?
If you have not already, I expect you will soon start to experience the reality of living as a multi-dimensional being. As old patterns and programs are dismantled and higher octave frequencies are embodied, you will begin to have longer periods of bliss and feel the energy of radiant light flowing throughout your body. Now that you are shifting your attitude and response to a more positive vibration, you will not lose focus or get distracted when something upsetting comes along. Living more in the now moment, your emotions will become more stable. Your relationships and business practices will change as you learn to create in higher dimensions. Your prayers and affirmations will begin to manifest more quickly on Earth. Like the saying goes, “As above, so below.” It is my prayer that we all flow effortlessly in a stream of ease and well-being as we come to live in unity consciousness.
I would say to all of those who have walked in, “Welcome to Earth. Do your best to stay grounded and not be affected by other people’s emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Create a strong personal 18-inch space, do not give away your power, do not absorb energies from others, or take on the chaos of the world. Find your bliss, and do your best to stay in your body. Do not be concerned about what others think. It does not matter if they call you crazy, strange, or weird. Those are just words. What counts is what you know to be true about your multidimensional self. No matter what things look like on the physical plane, know that you are deeply and unconditionally loved by God, Mother Earth, the angels, ascended masters, spirit helpers, galactic beings, and all of creation. I encourage you to set aside fifteen to thirty minutes each day to meditate and hold the thought and feeling that you are loved, supported, and making it just fine in your role on Earth. When you are happy, you are fulfilling your mission.”
As always, I’m here if you need to talk about your experience or want to do a coaching session to help get a better perspective on your situation.