How did you learn to trust your inner guidance?
For me, it was through the “dark nights of the soul” or life challenges in which I had no one else to depend upon for answers.
When I was younger, I would play the piano for hours each day. Part of that was time spent arranging music and creating songs. I rarely listened to other people’s music because I wanted to honor my own style and unique expression without copying anyone else.
I’m the same way today with my spiritual beliefs. The first place I go for information is within my own intuition, body, and feelings. I don’t read a lot of blogs or books or seek much audio/visual input. When I am guided to do so, what I read confirms the guidance that I’ve already received, which serves to strengthen my faith in my intuition. There’s no need to look outside ourselves for guidance. And, we certainly can’t believe all we read or hear.
Trusting the information you get and acting upon it takes trust. The information you need from the outside world will show up at the moment when you could use some confirmation. It helps balance things. That helps when we think we are going off the deep end. Many spiritually aware people experience things that others do not–or at least they are not talking about these events!
Those who are conscious of the soul aspects that are walking into our current incarnation/body are in a forerunner category. We are bringing in new information, which means there are few places or people we can go to for data or to research what we are being made aware of. I was an empath twenty years before the term ever made mainstream. I wrote a book, Whose Stuff is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You, about it so others could avoid some of the pitfalls I experienced.
I had a walk-in experience in 1999 that totally changed my life. My family thought I was having mental health issues or an emotional breakdown. There were times when I would have believed them if it had not been for my ability to trust my inner wisdom. It was not until another forerunner shared her walk-in experience that it all finally started making sense to me. Once I was confident enough to share my experience, I wrote Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness to help others find information that would shed light on their experience.
I have been using light language since 1994. When others started activating this ability to channel their higher self, I again wrote a book (Light Language Emerging) to help people understand what was happening and how to use this tool for personal enlightenment.
As forerunners, it can be our mission to get information out there. There is no road map for us! It feels like we are traveling up a mountain with hairpin turns. Sometimes we feel alone or like we are making U-turns. We start going one direction and then our paths seem to double back to where we learned a particular truth or began to practice with a certain tool. That is where we meet others who are just beginning to open to these concepts. We take them forward from there.
We are cutting a path in the wilderness as we step out to offer our truth. Feel free to leave a comment and tell how you are seeing this play out in your life.