The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the brain. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located in the epithalamus, near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two halves of the thalamus join. From the point of view of biological evolution, the pineal gland represents a kind of atrophied photoreceptor. In the epithalamus of some species of amphibians and reptiles, it is linked to a vestigial organ, known as the parietal eye which is also called the third eye.
Spiritual Guidance Comes in Many Ways
In metaphysical circles, the pineal gland is known as the third eye. It is a communication device that can send and receive information in many forms—not just as visions or dreams or seeing images that others don’t see. Some people are clairvoyant (able to see), others are more sentient (able to feel), and others get a sense of knowing. Our sense of smell (clairolfactance) and taste can give us guidance and so can our everyday interactions with nature and people.
Many people think that because they do not have clear vision (clairvoyance) into other dimensions that their third eye is not operating correctly. While there can be astral debris in the way of receptivity, not everyone who is spiritually awakened is a seer. There are many different ways to receive guidance from higher realms.
Dreams & Visions
Our sleep dreams and awake visions can give us information from the subconsciousness or from another realm of reality. This prophetic tool for some people can be very accurate in foretelling an event.
Objects Along Our Path
Probably more common than most people realize are the objects we see or pass right by in our daily lives. We are surrounded by reminders and clues that our guidance is giving us. A bird, reptile, or animal that you don’t normally seem may to be staring at you. Notice the type of animal and seek more information from online sources or from books such as Ted Andrews’ Animal Speak. A feather, coin, stone, etc. may have a message.
A Song or Conversation
You may hear a song on the radio or in your head. You may overhear a conversation in passing that has a word or phrase that sticks with you. Ask your guides for clarity or where to seek more information to help you interpret the message.
Something You See
You may be skimming articles on the Internet or walking down the aisle in a grocery store when something seems to pop out at you. You may find a deeper message if you ask your guides for clarification.
Perhaps you see a stranger who looks like someone you know but have not thought of in a while. That person may need your prayers. Consider reaching out to him or her.
A Recurring Thought
A song pops into your head. You mentally sing it over and over, seemingly unable to switch it off. Pay attention to the lyrics. I had a profound revelation from a song titled “Don’t Fear the Reaper” the day after my dog died. Read that story here:
A Sense of Knowing
You just know. You may not know how you know, but you just know something to be so. It’s an unshakable truth that you hold to even though you are not sure if it can be verified by other sources.
Smelling Energy
A lot of people have gained the ability to get messages using their sense of psychic smell. This is known as clairalience or clairescence. A person with this form of extra-sensory perception is able to smell energy or gain psychic knowledge through the physical sense of smell. Most of the time, they are the only person in a group/space who is able to smell the etheric fragrance. Ask your guides what the smell means for you. A dream dictionary could be helpful, but don’t rely too much on outside sources for interpretation. You are the one smelling it, so the information is for you to discern.
There is a difference in emotions and feelings. Emotions are energy that are typically generated as a result of a thought or experience. Feelings are physically sensed in the body. Body aches and pains may be directly related to regions in the subtle bodies that are holding the energy or patterns of abuse/trauma.
In my coaching/healing sessions, my body gives me all kinds of clues as to what is going on for the client. Asking my guides for more information, or using other gifts such as a sense of knowing, brings clarification or information that I can share in that session.
The pineal gland or third eye is working to process the information that comes from within, from natural surroundings, and external sources. If you are like most people, your pineal gland is working just fine! We just need to trust ourselves more. You may want to read my article titled “Learning to Trust Your Intuition” for more about that.
To me, spiritual guidance is not something you get from someone else. Although there are some good psychic readers, who can give pertinent information. Let external information be used as a confirmation or clarification for what you already sense.
Guidance is about trusting your intuition and moving through the interpretation process. You will learn more about yourself and develop a stronger relationship with your guides when you seek answers within yourself.