What does it mean to be sovereign over your own soul?
Soul sovereignty means you are the one who takes control over your thoughts, which in turn affect your emotions and overall well-being, including your physical health. Other humans do not decide what is best for you–you follow your intuition and higher guidance. Setting and maintaining loving boundaries is a natural way of caring for yourself.
Being sovereign over your soul means you are both the creator and experiencer of this life. You consciously choose to be a participant (fully sentient) or an observer (detached) as is needed in any given moment.
Seeing yourself as one with all that is, you are able to manage and direct energy by flowing with it rather than resisting, fighting, or trying to “fix” situations or people. You know that your thoughts are energy and you decide what thoughts you will entertain. Even when you feel that you are not in control of your thoughts, you stand in your power and watch them–even love them–as they move on through.
Becoming sovereign in your thoughts can change everything you experience in your emotions. Acknowledging without forcing a change in whatever is going on in the moment is like standing still in a storm and letting the wind and rain blow through you rather than blow you down. And if you get knocked down you sit/lay still on the ground connecting with your higher knowing and let the storm blow through. No struggling or trying to control or change the storm. Just be still and know that you are the storm.
Everything is energy. Therefore, every physical malady has a spiritual component at the beginning of its creation. There is a field of nothingness in the non-physical realm where all things begin to take density or form. One who is sovereign takes a non-blaming attitude and responsibility for what is being created. The response given is always from gentleness and love–although sometimes it may be in the form of tough love.
What you allow to stay in your mind influences or affects your life experience.
I was recently guided to read two books about the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought. The title of one book is The Inside-Out Revolution: The Only Thing You Need to Know to Change Your Life Forever and the other book is called The Little Book of Clarity: A Quick Guide to Focus and Declutter Your Mind. I can’t say that there’s much new information in either of these books. I can say that the material carries a frequency that causes the reader to notice that they are always thinking and that thinking is what creates literally everything in our lives.
Life allows U-turns. A single thought can shift your energy and focus in an instant! ~ Yvonne Perry
Much of our thinking is useless! Some of it is self-sabotaging or harmful to our well-being. The good news is that if we can create misery with our thoughts, we can also shift that experience into joy by changing how we think.
It sounds too simple, right? I encourage you to try it. Realize that you are thinking. Simply notice it–don’t even try to change it. Then, let it be as you go about your business. The next thing you know the thought is no longer there or having an influence. If it does come back, notice that you are thinking and let it move on through without judging it. If you need something else to think about, try the affirmations below.
Bringing into captivity every thought and making it obedient to the mind of Christ. ~ 2 Corinthians 10:5
Affirmations for Soul Sovereignty
- I can let others have their experiences without having to rescue them
- I am not responsible for choices others make or the way they respond to the way I conduct my life
- I am good at setting and maintaining healthy, loving boundaries
- I am responsible for my life, my decisions, my thoughts, and my actions
- I have no need to care-take for others
- I live my life with joy and freedom
- I claim my life and energy now
- I am sovereign over my thoughts
- My true self is guiding me to peaceful living
Yvonne Perry is happy to assist you with coaching or energy sessions to help clear your mental field and bring clarity by connecting you with higher consciousness.