Have you ever been pinned down or unable to move during a significant spiritual event? Did a spirit being appear right before your life changed in a big way?
A friend that I had known since my church days in Indiana contacted me on Facebook. We had not been in touch for years. I had changed a lot since the last time we had seen one another, but there was also something different about M. and her vibration. She was happy and excited even though she had just ended a meaningful relationship a few months prior. Then she told me her walk-in story.
M. was asleep in bed when she began to feel an intense presence walk into the room and move toward her. She looked over her shoulder to see if someone was there, but she saw no one. The next thing she knew she was pinned down and could not move or speak. Her initial reaction was fear, and she remembered the King James Bible stating that people were “sore afraid” when visited angels. She assumed this was an angel, and while she wasn’t exactly panicking, she did feel uneasy that she could smother while unable to lift her head from the pillow. She surrendered to whatever was happening and trusted that if she did die, her soul would be fine. Once she was able to move, she felt strangely different.
During my walk-in in 1999 I was pinned to the floor in a similar manner as M. I’ve also heard of this happening to others. Many people see a spirit being right before soul transfer occurs.
A few days later, M. noticed that her intuition was keener. She started seeing people in visions before seeing them in person soon after. She now hears her internal guidance very clearly, and synchronicities have become a daily experience. She also acquired an urge to start connecting with the local spiritual community.
M. had never heard of a walk-in, but when I told her about my experience, it resonated with her. She had a strong sensation that a soul shift or walk-in had occurred for her. Having that information brought peace because it helped her know that she wasn’t crazy since many people are having strange experiences like hers. M. says she feels more alive, whole, and hopeful than ever in her life.
Sylvia Lidberg says
Thank you!!
For sure it feels good, to
Feel and understand now,,
That i nerver been “crayzy”
Thank you for sharing all your
Yvonne Perry says
I know what you mean, Sylvia. There are many of us that have experiences that the mainstream population does not. It doesn’t make us crazy. We are just different. Diversity is appreciated.