One of the biggest hurdles to overcome, after a walk-in or spiritually transforming event, is the process of clearing energy imprints of the previous soul from the cellular memory of the body. This is a process everyone on the planet must undergo, but walk-ins have a unique desire to “get it done” faster because we are here to cut a path and demonstrate a model that others can follow.
Some people resist this process, which only serves to make it more difficult than it needs to be. We live in the age of grace, which makes it much quicker and easier to move forward in our spiritual evolution. It is like pushing the “easy button” compared to the old ways that advocated “re-living” the emotional trauma of our past. One way we resist the clearing stage is by over analyzing and processing past energy over and over again.
Many people are still trying to create the future with the energy of the past. The brain does not know the difference between what is happening now and what happened twenty years ago. So, if you want to experience the pain and victimhood of something that happened way back when you were a teenager, you can do that. Not that I recommend it–there are better ways of clearing energy imprints.
It is great to recognize what is being released, and then consciously chose to let it go, but it is another thing entirely when we allow ourselves to re-run emotional energy through the cells of our body. The idea is to get the stuck emotional energy out of the body—not recirculate it—and clear the limbic system of the brain. Do not allow yourself to get stuck when dissolving imprints and releasing patterns that no longer serve you. Brenda Williams once told me that if I cried for more than five minutes over a past issue, I had cried too long. To distract myself from wallowing in this kind of self-pity, I use her Reset Breath© and visualize breathing light into all the cells of the body.
Typically, resistance occurs when we think there is something wrong with our body instead of listening to, and trusting, the messages it is trying to give us. For example, after the eclipse in November 2012, I began to have a sudden Kundalini awakening. At that time, I was in the process of writing a book titled Shifting into Purer Consciousness, and had just accepted the position as the President of WE International. I was contemplating putting together a conference for walk-ins. All of these represented big changes in the way I presented myself to the public.
During this time, I was sexually activated and revved up, which also served a purpose; I learned how to direct my life force energy in creative ways to support my life mission. As the energy arose from my root chakra near the tailbone, I could feel it in all my chakras except for the sixth (forehead) and seventh (crown). The energy was intense in my fifth chakra—the center for self-expression. This created an annoying pressure in my throat and neck, and it felt as if someone had placed their finger on my Adam’s apple and left it there. The sensation would come and go randomly throughout the day. It would decrease if I laid down or meditated. It would increase if I got stressed.
Thinking I had too much of a good thing, I stopped taking both of the thyroid supplements that my naturopath had prescribed to me eight months earlier. However, stopping the supplements did not help the situation. A month later, in January, I consulted with him in person, and he recommended getting an ultrasound to see what was manifesting physically. I wanted peace of mind, but I knew that if the ultrasound showed inflammation or cysts, my emotions would cause my lower self to worry and make things worse. I did agree to a thyroid function test, which came back perfectly normal. That was the peace of mind I needed to continue to trust my body and the clearing process it was going through.
One month later, the pressure in my neck had increased and become painful; so, I called on a few friends to pray for me and check in energetically and see what was going on. Dr. Caron Goode recommended nascent iodine to support my thyroid. That was one of the supplements I had stopped taking two months earlier. Since I had some on hand, I took a dose and the pain reduced noticeably within an hour (I am very sensitive to supplements and medications). I felt that the energetic component to this chakra issue was related to returning to public ministry after almost twelve years of peaceful solitude. As an empath, I felt vulnerable regarding this change that would expose me in new ways. Communication and self-expression are fifth chakra issues.
Dr. Tom Goode worked with me energetically over the phone asking the personality (ego) what it was trying to reveal. By being the observer (higher self) and allowing the personality to speak, I learned that it was anger with family, church, and society regarding the way they had taught me to repress my true feelings. This self-expression issue had deep roots—from denying my spiritual/psychic gifts, to telling me how I should not explore my own feelings. I acknowledged what was asking to be released and let it go. No tears, no drama. Within hours of working with Tom, and allowing the personality to speak what it needed to say, the pressure decreased until it was barely noticeable, and I felt as though I had turned a corner.
However, two weeks later, the pressure was still there and seemed to be increasing again, so I consented to have an ultrasound of my thyroid. The results were perfectly normal, which told me that there was an energetic component that I still needed to discover. I was beginning to hear things in my mind such as, “I feel inadequate and not up to the task of taking a leadership role. I do not have the faith needed to move forward in my spiritual mission. I feel stressed out and I do not want to do spiritual work anymore. The Universe is not supporting me in this cause and I’m ready to let it all go. I’m not sure what I believe anymore.” The real kicker that got my attention was when I heard, “I’m ready to leave and allow another soul to take this body and carry out this mission.” I thought my soul was asking for another walk-in and that startled me. I did not realize I was hearing the natal soul’s hidden death wish being verbalized from the cellular memory of my soul. After twelve years of clearing karmic imprints of the natal soul, how could there be anything left to deal with?
Maxine Taylor is the creator of Star Matrix, her own healing technique that uses the zodiac and spiritual guidance to access information for her clients. She graciously offered to do a healing session with me, and I gratefully accepted. She immediately discovered the problem. I had not cleared the commitments the natal soul had made with my family. Those psychic ties were holding me back, as if a leash was around my neck, from moving forward in my spiritual mission. Our families expect us to be loyal to them. The hidden message is: if you are going to minister or be a leader, you should do it with us, not others. We brought you into the world; we raised you; you owe us!
Maxine walked me through the steps of releasing the old commitments made to Mother and accepting my new commitment to Mother. The pressure stopped while I was on the phone with Maxine, and I felt wonderful for the rest of the evening. However, the pressure came back the next day. Back on the phone with Maxine, we completed the Father, Family, and Family Team steps in the clearing and accepting process outlined in her book, Move into the Magic. Again, the pressure stopped during the phone call and I felt great. The pressure was back the next day. That’s when it dawned on me. Every time I released detrimental energy, higher-vibrating energy would take its place. I would feel better (elated, actually) until more of the old energy came up to be released. It was like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube while squeezing it! This process was not going to stop until all of the emotional and mental energy of the astral body was cleared. I stopped resisting the process, and began thanking my body for it communication effort.
The body and the spirit are meant to operate as a cohesive pair, and any treatment we do to heal any condition works best when both the physical and spiritual components are addressed simultaneously. This disconnect in treatment is where conventional medicine is missing the mark. I noticed a pattern in the tension I was feeling in my neck: it was directly related to any stress I encountered. We know that stress can deplete the body of the vital nutrients and cause cortisol levels to increase, which throws other things in the body, such as hormones, out of balance. I got back on all the supplements my naturopath recommended to support my body while I was clearing the negative commitments and bad messages my natal soul had agreed to.
Some spiritually-evolved friends of mine were also experiencing physical discomfort and strange symptoms during this season. This confirmed to me that we are indeed in a time of rapid ascension and the process is speeding up even more. We were reminded that the physical body needs more rest while the DNA is shifting and we are creating and tuning up our merkabah (light body) for inter-dimensional travel. Naps became my afternoon ritual.
Everything is energy. Whatever begins and is allowed to grow in the mental or emotional bodies eventually manifests in the physical body. Once I cleared the imprints, the contraction in my throat relaxed and the uneasiness went away. I had heeded the message and there was no need for the discomfort to continue. What would have happened had I not honored and stayed true to my inner knowing that this situation was energetic in nature? If I had continued to focus on the problem rather than discovering the message my body was trying to give me, I would likely have manifested a physical illness that could have been revealed on lab tests. Instead, being gentle with my body and loving myself in spite of what was going on, the neck pressure subsided on it own.
If you are consistently doing some type of spiritual purification to cleanse and clear your Earth personality, you will notice that you are uncovering the truth of your beautiful authentic self. As a result of your practice, your vibration will raise and take you to new levels of awareness. But, these levels tend to create ascension symptoms or have an “initiation” attached to them like the one I just mentioned. The initiation process occurs as changes are being made to our DNA at a subatomic or molecular level, or as emotional energy is being released from the body. About 99 percent of what we are clearing is a result of emotional energy stuck in the limbic system and cells of the body.
When I get into a funky mood as a result of this purification process, my husband says that I am like a machine that is “down for maintenance.” There are times when things my ego self says or does some very unbecoming things while its parts are scattered all over the floor! Fortunately, my husband does not take anything too seriously and pays no attention to the woman behind the curtain when she is undergoing intense periods of reprogramming. I am thankful to live with a man who reminds me to leave well enough alone. I will pass his words of wisdom on to you, “Step away from the trash! Stop analyzing and trying to fix the broken parts!” (My empathic and walk-in friends want to clone him.)
These “setbacks” can be very disturbing if we think that we are our thoughts, emotions, or 3-D personality rather than the spirit observer watching ourselves. It can seem like we are taking a step backward in the ascension process when this happens, but actually the opposite is true. Don’t give up. Keep listening to your inner guidance and do whatever it takes to be at peace.
This article was excerpted from Walk-ins Among Us, written by Yvonne Perry. More information about walk-ins may be found at . Yvonne is available as a coach to walk-ins.