Morgan Lee, my friend on Facebook, wrote a lovely and accurate explanation of what a walk-in is. Several people had recently shared their awareness of the time they became a walk-in. Then someone in a reading told her that she was a walk in. She was mortified, horrified, embarrassed. She thought that there must be something terribly wrong with her. In her writing below, you will see she has done her research and has come to accept her personal soul shift experience.
Morgan says she knows very little about soul exchanges and walk-ins, but I think her writing is worth sharing with my network. This is from Morgan:
“Walk-ins, are a higher consciousness that agree to come in and pretty much clean up the family ancestry.
They will do WHATEVER IT TAKES, MANIFEST SEEMINGLY REAL HORRORS , (from a human perspective) in order to transform family patterns.
They often play the role of the black sheep.
They often experience, severe human trauma
They often attract dark energies for transmutation.
They often become disconnected from their family or arrive into experiences that look like adoption, foster care, rejection from the mother, father, family.
They often understand energy as a first language, rather than the human language
They can be seen as suffering insanity by their family and can be rejected for this reason.
If they come in late, they can be seen to do a complete turn a round in their lives
They can appear to speak about things, that make their families eye’s roll
They know they are pure love, regardless of experience and FIND A WAY to return to pure love and compassion
They most often, remember, eventually, that there is nothing to forgive, for they created all experience in order to return all to LOVE.
They can set themselves up to experience and attract, lower vibrations, sociopaths, narcissists, abusers, perpetrators, etc.
They can be loners or need a lot of alone time
They ARE often extreme empaths
They struggle conforming to the normal life experience and have to become temporarily unconscious in order to be able to create that human dream.
They often know how to adjust to any environment, often human torture or different degree’s of human abuse.
They often have a greater understanding of the bigger picture, no matter what they are going through.
They are beginning to remember that they came here for a specific purpose, even it none of it makes sense to the human 3D mind.
They are beginning to remember, connecting to each other or that being with each other is a powerful and necessary step to take.
Can have family members or people close to them, confused about their level of sanity.
Many are blue babies, died at birth and were resuscitated, or a life experience of near death, or a moment of soul merging, agreement of soul exchange.
The walk in, arrives with the three lower chakra’s intact. All wounds, all karma, all ancestral DNA as agreed. The wounds contained within those lower ckarkra’s exactly as they are. The higher chakra’s contain universal knowledge as to how best to create powerful transformation back to pure love.
The JOB, The MISSION, is for the walk in energy which I believe is a higher consciousness comes in to racidicly clean up.
Often from an observer 3D point of view, these people are seen as either insane or pure and often a mix of both. The 3D mind not able to comprehend what the hell is going on.
This is becoming apparent NOW. Many are remembering who they are. Many of these beings are currently becoming aware of their own original heritage.
Maybe they in the past week experienced some type of conscious awareness of bio-locating to another planet to activate DNA,. Maybe some just remembered the moments, where the event occurred, maybe some were thinking about their births and deaths in their arrival upon this planet, maybe some remember the soul merging’s that occurred.
I don’t personally know what this is all about, But this is presenting at this time. Something that I judged as bad a few weeks ago is coming to me in beautiful external stories at the moment. I don’t know anything about this at all, but it is certainly grabbing my attention.
Last week, I consciously travelled to another planet, during a joint conscious bio location experience, with conscious witness to what I was doing energetically. I wrote about it a day or so later. I watched a huge amount of objects, light blue fluorescent objects, all lined up. The first one fell and then like dominoes, they all collapsed. I was told to grab them all and bring them into my being. I knew I was on another planet and that I was consciously activating galactic DNA.
I was told that I was activating my galactic DNA. I didn’t understand what that meant at the time, and I still don’t really, and that is ok. I think back to being born Blue, a month late and the horrors that I created for myself as a baby, toddler, child and teenager and how OK I am now, and it is sort of all starting to make sense.”
If you would like to share your walk-in experience, please comment below.