Everyone on a path to self-mastery as part of the restoration of humanity/Earth is having a walk-in experience of some type. Not all are complete soul exchanges where one soul comes into the body as another is departing. Most of the downloads and shifts that people are experiencing are coming from the light housed in the original blueprint of divine human. We are evolving to open 12 strands of DNA. This is helping to align the body, mind, and emotions.
We are integrating and re-calibrating on all levels to bring more light into the body. Many times this begins in the astral or luminous body because the physical body is unable in its present form to hold the quotient of light needed to release density and transform into a light body. Even with the astral body gently feeding these codes to the physical body, many are having aches, pains, and intense emotional experiences (anxiety, panic, sadness, grief, anger, etc.) as imprints from past trauma are being dissolved.
From what I have discovered, we are receiving upgrades and downloads helping us to evolve and reach our potential as we access the original blueprint for the divine human. This type of light being is able to time travel through universes, materialize at will in any form, manifest instantly, and do even greater miracles than Jesus Christ (Yeshua) did. This requires a purity of mind, emotions, and consciousness that we have not yet reached. However, we are on our way and making progress every day.
I like the way Astelle Anomellarun describes her soul evolution process. With her permission, I share it here, along with a beautiful art piece she created to help impart her vision:
“After the new beginning of me in this world I was unable to find words for my reality. There was such a multitude of experiences/echoes of being resounding in me and none of it could actually be translated into this dimension.
“With time I found words that were close. I decided evolving transforming kaleidescopic multi colored sacred geometry was close. I knew I had come through baths of this, each one adding to the ones before it, effecting the manifestation of me, imprinting me with needed frequency-information.
“Then I tried to find earth language vehicles for my story. None seem quite adequate.
“With everything I know to be true an opposite is also true, or… a different angle to view it all from changes the contours.
When I share my story it is often just a handy layer of it. I went through a death process. I was kissed awake by the world. I was completely new.
“The image I am given to explain is that usually people walk in the door of a house so you know when they have entered. I didn’t need doors because to me there were no walls. I came in like breathing, like waves, each time merging deeper with the physical. I don’t experience this body as being a boundary. My essential being, I, as an I am, feel more like a condensation that came in from a state of dispersion in a rhythmic way and soaked in to the physical. But from another point of view there is no in and out, the magic of each part, each organ, each cell, each heart beat has the whole cosmos in it.
“This planet earth, too, has echoes of everything else in the galaxy right in it, in the crystals, in each grain of sand, each insect. Beings would never be homesick for other galactic origins if they really looked and listened to their bodies and to the earth.
“Recognizing this makes me realize that all attempt to explain myself to people’s intellects will always fail me. But, if I communicate with people heart to heart, then, in the simplest forms of painted color, in a melody hummed, in drawing attention to any wonder in the world around me, I AM telling my story. I am saying: ‘this is who I am.'”
Share your awakening story and how you see yourself returning to the blueprint for the divine human.