If you sense that you have had a soul swap or walk-in, there are things you can do to help with the integration process.
Curious human minds want to know everything about what happened and why. They ask questions, do research, take advice from others, and go into panic mode about clearing all the imprints of the former soul. That is a distracting focus that can actually make it more difficult for a starseed to adjust to Earth life.
If you want to be about your new mission faster and be in good emotional and mental health, your attention needs to be on helping your body acclimate to the high-frequency energy that it is now interfacing with. It is important to help the walk-in soul seat well in the body and have all the connector points secured. This requires a lot of tender loving care and patience.
Like losing a best friend, the body may grieve for its former occupant. It may even try to reject the new soul because it is so uncomfortable with the new “resident.” Be gentle with your body. Be kind to the curious inner child. Unresolved issues hidden in the recesses of the unconscious mind or pain body may start to make their presence known. Pent-up emotional energy comes up to be healed in the presence of light.
I have coached many walk-ins who do not want to be here. Some feel that the walk-in was a mistake. It is important to help the soul integrate with the body and accept responsibility for whatever situation it is dealing with in each moment. This is best done by offering love and kindness to the body and the inner child that may be exhibiting a lot of fear over what is transpiring.
You may have questions that will never be answered about what happened. Let go of the need to know in your head and start listening to your intuition–the voice of your heart. Loving yourself is more important than ever right now.
After the exchange has occurred, it is important to continue to maintain a safe place for the soul to experience the energy of higher dimensions. Often the soul is still in the presence of multidimensional beings in a higher field as it acclimates to Earth life. In the earlier stages, a walk-in may have recognition of other-worldly beings or nature spirits such as elementals, depending upon the resonation of the incoming soul during that phase of integration. All seems to become unified and the new soul begins to function in the physical world as integration continues.
It is common for the body’s need for rest to change after a walk-in. Some nights will be highly activated with so much light and energy that you may be unable to sleep. Other times, you may sleep for twelve to fourteen hours straight. The need for extra sleep may last for days, weeks, or several months. So, give your body the time it needs to fully adjust. Eat to “fuel the situation” and forget whatever the latest diet or eating trend might be. Enjoy being outdoors, and let nature support you in the integration process.
Getting together with other walk-ins and/or highly-evolving beings can be beneficial to help hold the field of energy steady. The new soul may go through the “Am I going crazy?” or “What is happening to me?” stage and need to share what is occurring. That is the main reason I organize events that allow starseeds, lightworkers, walk-ins, and healers to connect. You will find these workshops listed on my website: WeAre1InSpirit.com.
Continue cleansing the vehicle (physical body) and raising the vibration by using products that support the higher electrical current. These include living or raw foods, organic fruits and vegetables, non-fluoridated water, unrefined, non-GMO, and non-chemically treated foods, etc. Breathing techniques, yoga, stretching, meditations, and adequate rest are also useful to help the body shift and match frequencies along the way. Listen to the body. Partner with it, do not give in to the restless ego that wants to go, go, go, do, do, do. Just be still and let the energy of love flood over you.
Much like shifting gears on a car, coming to a neutral point is very much a part of the integration process. The soul needs permission to do nothing more than follow the guidance as it comes in. We do not have to know everything that is transpiring; we do not have to be in control; there is no need to focus on the work of the new soul until everything is integrated and functioning. Sometimes a soul wants to hit the ground running toward its mission. Until the integration process is complete, it is best to simply focus on stabilizing and caring for the body that may have gone through some trauma prior to or as a result of the walk-in. Before making any big decisions, assess what the body and emotions are ready to handle, and then determine the appropriate way to proceed. We do not have to know or control everything that is transpiring. Keep life simple and acquire only what is truly necessary in each moment.