Have you ever wanted to learn another language? I took one quarter of basic French in high school way back in the day. I’ve always regretted that I didn’t continue with my study of the language.
As you know, I collaborated on a music album project with a man in France named OBYONETAOPY. (Listen or download the album at https://oby-lon.bandcamp.com/album/opus-1.) He speaks, reads, and writes English quite well. Corresponding with him and connecting with his French followers on Twitter, I began having a new desire to learn the French language.
I thought it would be a daunting task after all these years to pick up where I left off. I thought I might be like my brother’s goat, featured in the photo here. He named the goat Jethro after Jethro Bodine on the Beverly Hillbillies because he eats a lot and is rather dumb. But, once I got started I was surprised how much I remembered. And, thanks to modern technology and the internet, I am grasping this skill in a fun way that makes me look forward to my time spent in a self-education process. I still eat a lot though. 😉
Through @OBYONETAOPY, I met @Mosalingua and downloaded a free e-book with tips on how to learn any language faster and with less effort. French podcasts were suggested. Some were too advanced for me as a beginner, but I found FastTrackFrench taught by Françoise Giordano to be a big help. The podcast is supported by a great tutorial website: http://fasttrackfrench.com/ so I can read articles as well as hear Françoise speak.
That’s how I found @HelloTalkApp and downloaded the free app on iTunes. You can also find it on GooglePlay/AppStore. See the app demonstrated here: https://www.youtube.com/user/hellotalk8/.
Through the app, I have spent time with people all over the world who speak français. If I make a mistake typing, someone will correct it so I can learn the right way to form my sentences. No one gets offended by this because that’s exactly what the app is designed for. So, I dusted off my editor hat and began correcting grammar, spelling, and sentence structure for those who are learning English. It’s a win-win! I’m both the teacher and the student.
The app also allows us to speak to one another one-on-one and as a group on the phone (like Skype). If I want to hear how to say what has been typed, I click a button and hear the translator speak. This app is a big plus for anyone learning any language. Find me there as NashvilleWriter and parle francais with me!