An Explanation of Light Language by Yvonne Perry
Light is information that contains the codes of creation. Geometry is the foundational structure for art, science, music, and architecture. Its images, codes, and shapes are found in DNA, crystals, atoms, mandalas, hieroglyphs, and pyramids. The language of light is a sacred geometry produced by vibration. Light Language is a powerful sacred gift that gives purposeful expression of love from Creator.
In an altered state of consciousness or in your dreams, you may be able to see the geometric symbols contained in all of creation. Light language allows us to pick up information from realms beyond what is commonly accessed. Therefore, it is a beneficial ascension tool that allows us to interact with our guidance team, nature, animals, and one another on a deep soul level.
What does light language sound like? From animal sounds to clicks and pulses, from tones and songs to spoken dialects, light language has many expressions. Listen to samples of Yvonne Perry using light language.
Some people have begun hearing a mysterious dialog or language in their thoughts, or may awake from a dream having telepathically conversed in galactic dialects. Many have been spontaneously doing hand and body mudras, singing, dancing, and toning as they speak languages they have not learned and do not understand. Some are seeing visuals, like sacred geometry, or hearing galactic dialects in their mind. These ancient sounds may be a universal root language predating those developed subsequently on Earth. Activate Your Own Light Language in this pre-recorded course.
The “remembrance” of Light Language seems to appear for some having a kundalini awakening or after being attuned with Reiki or some form of shamanic healing. The frequencies of light language bring in intense energies that help with spiritual activation, processing shifts in consciousness, facilitating light body restructuring, and getting information/guidance needed. It connects us to higher realms where we have a better understanding of our “multi-dimensional” experiences.
Here is a video interview on How to Use Light Language to Help You Stay Focused
Is Light Language the Same Thing as Speaking in Tongues?
Many who received the “gift of speaking in tongues” (tongues of angels) when they were in a religious setting have recently realized the validity of this communication with higher realms of consciousness. From a metaphysical point of view, light language allows us to communicate directly with Source without the interference of the programmed human mind while activating light codes to assist with healing and restoration on all levels.
These various un-learned languages can be used for healing, light-body activation, inter-dimensional travel, manifestation of resources, soul retrieval, integration of soul aspects, and directing energy. The frequencies accessed by the use of light language can affect DNA, thus reconnecting us with the blueprint and template upgrades for the divine human.
Watch videos of Yvonne’s light language on YouTube
Is Light Language Channeled?
Some practitioners are channeling light language without knowing it. The singing of tones associated with sound therapy, the intuitive mudras and hand gestures, and the “doodling” that looks like Egyptian hieroglyphs, geometric figures, foreign languages, or algebraic formulas are all an expression of light language.
We may have used this form of communication in other lifetimes or dimensions such as during the Golden Age of Lemuria. Some of the starseed languages are the channeled voices of galactic beings of light who are assisting us in healing ourselves and others. Some of the sounds of light language mimic the voices of animals. Some are tones, pulses, clicks, and sounds connected with the signals emitted by Mother Earth. As light language speakers, we are allowing our voices to speak for plants, elements, crystals, and other conscious beings who have no “voice” in our society.
“It doesn’t really matter how we label it. Maybe we should call it “Heart Language”. Just keep doing it. It heals the healer as well. It’s the energy of Creator’s Love which pretty much goes beyond all understanding. In the 3D world we have to call it something and Light Language is a meaningful description for many. The results speak for themselves. Thank you, Yvonne M. Perry.” ~ Bert Fellows
Spoken light language may sound like gibberish when you first encounter it. Yet, often the person who is hearing it seems to recognize it. “I know this!” or “This feels or sounds familiar” are some common responses I hear. The more you are willing to experience light language, the more “normal” it becomes and the more you are able to benefit from it.
Learn more about the language of light:
- How to Activate Light Language
- A Blessing in Light Language
- How is the Language of Light Expressed?
- Samples of Written Light Language
- Can Light Language Be Interpreted?
- Different Types of Light Language
A Book About Light Language
Sound has been used as a healing tool for centuries. Light language is a form of sound healing, which has the ability to reprogram our thoughts, emotions, physical health, and even our DNA. One important function of the language of light is to reunite and integrate multidimensional soul aspects from parallel lifetimes, incarnations, and dimensions.
Yvonne Perry’s book, Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Ascension Codes & Integrating Body, Soul, & Spirit, shares how multidimensional aspects of the soul are being incorporated into a unified expression of wholeness, and how light language plays a role in this process. Learn how to move in sync with Spirit to bring restoration to all creation as you integrate aspects of your multidimensional soul for a unified expression of your highest self.
In the book you will read/hear (there is an audio version of the book) stories from people who are discovering light language through writing, singing, movement, and gesturing. Discover the sacred artistic tools of light language as sacred geometry that can open DNA strands required for bodily ascension. The symbols of light language are codes that unlock, activate, or rewrite the Akashic Records. They carry healing of your soul and and activation of its purpose (see healing light language symbols).
For eons, humans have been locked in a shallow understanding of who we are as spirit beings. While our linear thinking may help us feel safe, it can also limit us from communicating on a deep soul level with our Creator and higher realms of consciousness. It is when we bypass human reasoning, if only for a brief moment, that we tap into a realm where we join with something so pure and wonderful that it defies logical explanation. These moments allow us to know that our experiences in those dimensions are more real than our daily lives that greatly ignore the divine aspect of who we are.
For centuries, we have used brain-to-brain connection with one another through our logic and intellect. In recent decades we have moved from a database of information previously accepted as truth to a place of “knowing from the heart” in a more loving and accepting way. Light language asks us to move into our loving heart space and express our divinity in everyday life.
In the past few years, many people have been seeing orbs, grids, and symbols in their mind’s eye. These are light codes coming from the Primordial Mother, the Creatrix of all that is. She is sometimes referred to as Sophia or the Divine Feminine Energy.
The codes carry information and are intended to unlock dormant codes in the DNA and bring humanity out of the illusion of separation and back to oneness. Through these codes we become less programmed by the matrix and more aligned with our higher self. Thus, more authentic living with love and community support is experienced in our daily lives.
Some people have acquired the ability to write the codes they see. Some have activated an intuitive language called light language. Also known as angelic tongues, ancient Earth dialects, or galactic ET languages, it is a form of sound therapy that can help us connect with higher realms of consciousness. This is a step toward the oneness and wholeness we wish to create on Earth.
Attend a light language activation workshop!
At one time on Earth there was one root language that everyone spoke. At some point the languages were broken apart and segments were used to develop subsequent languages spoken in various parts of the Earth. Light language is the root language that contains all languages. We speak the languages that contain the frequencies and bandwidth that we most resonate with. That’s why not everyone’s language sounds the same. We each have a piece of the puzzle and the more we speak our part, the more we all connect and heal.
We are multidimensional beings with many levels/layers of soul awareness; however, the body has been functioning with only a small amount of the soul in operation. The higher aspects of our soul are now interfacing with the human body as the body is participating in spiritual and physical evolution. The ongoing restoration process of the light-body is essential to the ascension of humanity. This transformation requires a rewiring and reprogramming of the DNA that will result in a molecular reconstruction of the body. Light language is a vibrational tool to help us do this.
Because it uses sound, light, pulses, movement, art, and other healing frequencies, light language is able to work on quantum levels of the soul.
A recent upgrade to the human body template has caused many people to become extremely empathic as these codes are “turned on” or activated. Some people are able to sense, and even experience, the thoughts, feelings, and energy of people, animals, plants, and formless beings. Multi-sensory experiences are heightened as humans awaken.
Get guidance through a galactic light language reading with Yvonne Perry!
Transmission of Light Language
Light language is the language of the creator. When spoken verbally, it can create, bring an answer, message, blessing, or healing as a response to an invocation a soul has requested for its highest good. It can shift energy faster than any tool, I’ve ever used!
Old thoughts, beliefs, and behavior patterns are housed in the subconscious and our DNA. Our DNA also holds light codes of the original Adam (perfect divine human). When activated, these codes can override and reprogram old beliefs and patterns that keep the body, mind, and emotions sick and in disrepair.
Click the player below to receive a blessing and activation in light language and drumming. Listen to more light language music and transmissions on this site.
How to Activate Light Language
The best way to activate your soul’s language is to be around others who are speaking it. When this cosmic energy is moving, all you have to do is allow yourself to be awakened by the loving current of your own divinity. Yvonne Perry offers classes to help you open to the language of light.
These unknown tongues are languages we may have spoken in ancient times or past lives–perhaps on Earth (as in Lemuria or Atlantis), or in other dimensions. Many are galactic tongues used to communicate with our star family, spirit guides, and multidimensional soul aspects. Some are the languages of nature spirits.
Light language speaks to the molecular, cellular, and energetic levels to heal the body, mind, and emotions. Anyone who is advancing spiritually through purification processes such as shadow work or inner child healing is likely to activate light language when the path to the soul’s authenticity is clear.
Repeating the phrases or toning/drumming like you heard in the audio above can help to activate light language. Many people have started speaking their cosmic star language after having a light language coaching session with Yvonne or by reading Light Language Emerging.
Click the player to hear the “Ascension Graces” that were imparted to Yvonne Perry in 2014.
Hear more audios in light language!
How is Light Language Expressed?
The language of light can be spoken, sung, danced, written (as asemic writing), gestured (intuitive sign language) or expressed through other artistic manners. The gestures of light language look like an intuitive sign language. They are positions or asanas that hold frequencies of light that are able to shift or realign energetic imprints that have been causing mental or emotional suffering.
Hear and see a demonstration of light language being signed in the video below.
See more videos in light language on this website or on YouTube.
Light Language Emerging helps to bring understanding to a vast, new, and unusual subject: the language of light. When it spontaneously started happening to me many years ago, I had no exposure to it, no one to turn to and no immediate answers. A book like this is not only a catalyst for opening, but it becomes a life line for those having unique experiences as their telepathic communications begin to activate. With Yvonne’s book, readers will come to understand their own multi-dimensional nature, their cosmic connection to their galactic family, and their ability to expand beyond limiting perceptions of self and life.~ Jamye Price, light language channel, healer and teacher
Samples of Written Light Language by Yvonne Perry
What are the strange glyphs or symbols I’ve been writing or seeing?
Just like a picture can paint a thousand words, one single sigil of asemic or automatic writing can contain as much information as a book, and for that matter, perhaps an entire universe. Like any abstract art, it is up to the viewer to interpret the message, which can be different for each person. See codes written by Yvonne’s students . . .
Yvonne writes and speaks more than a half-dozen dialects of star or light language (see her photo below with the blue background). Other samples here are from Mazuin Mynrose (on lined paper), and Astelle Anomellarun (on frame drum).
Other light language codes
Why I Do Not Interpret Light Language Symbols
by Yvonne Perry
Light language is a heart language, not a mental exercise. While it can be interpreted by some people, when that happens everyone gets the same message and the mind jumps in to analyze. Much of the spiritual heart-felt experience is lost in that mental process.
My role in working with light language is to engage with a galactic team of technicians, psychic surgeons, geneticists. As I hold space, they work to recalibrate the template and cosmic grids of the client’s physical and subtle bodies. The light codes I speak are instructions for the DNA, the psyche, the cells, and the light grids of the body.
Sometimes while doing a reading with a client, I may get clues or a few English words or phrases which urge the client to seek their own guidance for answers. However, I have not been led to the task of interpreting spoken light language or the symbols. While I channel these codes as I open to allow the sounds and writing to come through, I am not instructed to satisfy inquiring human minds. in fact, my function is to help people move away from the “need to know” or to receive information from others, and move into the heart to intuitively feel and discern personal information for themselves.
Comparatively, I may not know whether a song is in the key of F# or a whether a painter used raw umber or cobalt blue in his/her painting. Yet I am able to have a personal experience from listening to the sounds or observing the art piece. The same is true of light language. It will meet you where you are and interact with you accordingly.
Hearing light language is like being in a sound bath that washes over every part of the physical and subtle bodies and soul, helping them remember and reconnect with the divine blueprint. I can’t always tell whether the frequencies are working on an internal organ, a mental imprint, or an emotional trauma from a past life. I have a team of galactic technicians and psyche surgeons with diverse skills. Their loving cooperation allows a client to receive treatment in multiple areas at once. Clients report positive changes in the days following, and that is all the interpretation I need to know that this treatment is effective and on-going.
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