We Are 1 in Spirit Workshops are facilitated by Yvonne Perry and based on some of the books she has written such as Light Language Emerging; Walk-ins Among Us; Shifting into Purer Consciousness; and Whose Stuff Is This? .
If you are interested in being a participant in or hosting a workshop in your area, please contact Yvonne or see the events page for more information. View Yvonne’s bio for a full description of her work as a light leader in the new world.
Here are some of the topics she can present to your group.
- Activating Codes with Light Language
- Walk-ins, Soul Exchanges, & Aspect Reunions
- Downloads & Activations
- Sensing, Managing, & Directing Energy (Empaths)
Activating Codes with Light Language
Yvonne leads participants to create a field of transforming light where miracles happen and the language of light is activated. Light/sound is the language of the creator. When spoken or sung verbally, light language creates a pure and loving vibration that can shift old thoughts, beliefs, and behavior patterns housed in the subconscious/psyche. Our DNA holds light codes of the divine human. When activated, these codes can override and reprogram old beliefs and patterns that keep the body, mind, and emotions sick and misaligned.
Through the frequency and transmission of light language, soul fragments are retrieved and cleared of karmic patterns before being reintegrated with the soul essence. This workshop helps participants clear their psyche and auric field of detrimental energy by raising the frequency on the polarity scale. As a result, more love and higher self is embodied.
This workshop presents an opportunity to experience the joy of light language through drumming, singing, intoning, and teaching. Participants are encouraged to bring a drum or rattle for shamanic journeying.
Some people “remember” their soul’s frequency and begin to express their cosmic language by being in the energy of others who speak, sing, write, or gesture it. In past workshops nearly every participant has activated light language in some ways. The reclaiming of your voice and personal power is encouraged; however, there is no pressure to “perform.”
“Yvonne, hello. I just wanted to thank you again for last Saturday’s LL class. For offering a safe, welcoming, loving environment to open up, express and release. I continue to practice speaking and writing LL daily and everyday I am surprised, delighted and grateful for this rememberance. I appreciate all you do in sharing your life, your gifts and your love.” In gratitude, Debe Sullivan
Walk-ins, Soul Exchanges, & Aspect Reunions
If you have had a strange spiritual experience that left you feeling like a different person, you will find comfort and information to help make sense of it in this workshop led by Yvonne Perry, who has experienced several walk-ins/soul exchanges.
A walk-in is a soul who swaps places with a walk-out soul who has completed a mission on Earth and is ready to leave. The walk-in soul picks up where the first soul left off. Sometimes both souls braid and access the body simultaneously or in rotation.
Soul exchanges and walk-ins are becoming commonplace because starseeds are taking human form to help humanity expand consciousness and become aware of the multidimensional aspects of the soul. In essence, we are all walk-ins. Some souls walk into the body of an infant. Others walk in to the body of an adult. This workshop allows for discussion of this topic and sharing of personal walk-in experiences.
Understand the soul exchange process and how to integrate higher vibrations that clear energy imprints that are not aligned with love, light, and joy. Learn how to stay centered and actively involved in your personal self-mastery process as you discover your mission, purpose, and role on Earth.
Downloads and Activations
We are being affected by strong cosmic energy that is compelling us to change our way of thinking and living. As we open to higher realms of consciousness and reconnect our DNA to the divine blueprint, we naturally begin to see, hear, sense, and know things beyond typical human reasoning. This workshop is designed to help people personally manage and understand the mysterious manifestations occurring as a result of the shift in consciousness that allows us to embody more love and live authentically.
The cells of our bodies are being transformed and old programming is being released from our minds as divine programming (or codes) is installed, activated, or remembered. Similar to the way a computer that receives an upgrade or update to its operating system, there are sometimes a few minor glitches to be worked out right after the download. Some people feel a bit of confusion after these shifts.
Sensing, Managing, and Directing Energy
Are you a highly sensitive person who can hardly tolerate the negativity around you? Does it feel as if your energy is being drained by psychic vampires who leech off your energy? Do you have mysterious illnesses, aches, and pains? Perhaps you are depressed or angry for no good reason. These are signs that you are empathically picking up on the thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and even the illnesses of others.
This workshop is for people who have been unknowingly carrying energetic burdens that belong to someone else. Learn to connect to your soul’s personal frequency, maintain a higher vibration, and radiate your light to the world. This eliminates the need for putting up walls to keep the energy of others out. The goal is to keep your energy aligned with higher realms of consciousness, surrender to divine will, and be the change you want to create in the world. Living from the inside out, you will not be as easily affected by external energy.
What to Expect After Being Activated in a We Are 1 in Spirit Workshop
Your field will be open and pulsating for a while after participating in any of Yvonne’s workshops. You may feel vulnerable and more sensitive than usual. It is important to rest the body and avoid being in public settings after receiving light language transmissions of this degree. Doing so allows all the systems in the body to focus on accepting and integrating the new codes. It’s like closing the applications that are running in the background so the download can happen faster and without the computer freezing up. You may get several “tweaks” in the days and weeks following a workshop as each soul aspect is called into wholeness and is cleared and re-integrated.
Yvonne uses light language as much as she does English in her healing sessions and workshops. The purpose of light language is to move past the mental chaos that created the problem/karma in the first place. Therefore, we don’t always know on an intellectual level everything that is happening during an activation. Part of what is occurring is that the soul is being cleared of detrimental energy, returning to Source for a boost of light and love, and then reincarnating in the same body very quickly—sometimes within 24 hours. It’s like a mini death and rebirth without all the drama. While the soul makes that journey, it picks up fragmented pieces of itself, or other souls/aspects in its personal soul group, and brings them “home” to go through the same process so they can also integrate.
Once you are activated, the process of ascension is intensified. You will make huge leaps and feel more whole and peaceful, which allows the mind to relax and move out of its “need to know what is happening at all times” mode. Each time one of your soul fragments are purified and joined into one cohesive unit, you complete that part of your personal ascension process and move toward the next star gate or portal of initiation.
The ascension and integration process gets easier as more of the higher self is seated in the physical body and the old distorted human programming is replaced with loving and divine programming. Clearing happens quicker as we surrender to the process and allow the highest and best to occur. Be patient and kind to yourself during these shifts!